Arlene Prince(845) 258-2021
Warwick. N.Y.
Professional Testimonials
"I have referred numerous patients to Arlene. Her work has been thorough, sensitive and comprehensive for personal, health and performance issues. Her unique and remarkable sensitivity allows my patients to experience new levels of health and performance by giving them real tools to fulfill a better life. Since recent research has shown stress and/or psychological syndromes to be an exacerbating factor in many musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and digestive problems as well as in asthma and migraines, a majority of my referrals have been in these areas. I have also utilized her many years experience in managing severe food and environmental allergies to provide my patients with practical self-management techniques. Using both her courses and private counseling has resulted in greater patient compliance, improved prognosis, and greater patient satisfaction in every referral. She continues to be a valuable resource for many of my patients over the years, through personal and phone consultation. Working with her has been the best investment of time and money for my patients and my practice. My own experience with Arlene's work has provided more energy, clarity and satisfaction in my personal and professional life. I recommend her without reservation and hope her work is utilized extensively as a part of integrative care. Great Results, Good Value, High Integrity." Dr. Stephen Green, D.C., M.S.
Updated testimonial below from Dr. Stephen Green, D.C. M.S. post Covid in 2020 when I began working with clients via the internet on Skype and Zoom.
"Having used Arlene's services with gratitude and satisfaction, I have recommended her to many of my patients. Her professional, compassionate and insightful approaches have helped with weight loss, smoking cessations, and desire to reach life goals. More important, her work with anxiety, panic and phobias have freed several of my patients from the terrible effects these conditions have had on their lives with less medicinal intervention and their side effects. Her many years of experience is shown in her quiet compassion for clients of all ages. Remarkably of recent years, she has shown that she can affect her results even more comfortably for her patients via the internet allowing her patients to receive her therapies including hypnosis in the comfort of their own homes. I highly recommend her services." Steve Green, D.C., M.S.
"I am a Family Practice Physician who is interested in the emotional interaction with medical diseases. In the past, I have participated in many mind-body conferences. Arlene Prince is a phenomenal mind-body therapist and teacher. I have participated in several of her courses and individual sessions. The improvement in my life has been fantastic. My wife and my children also immensely appreciate the results of her therapeutic effect in my life. I have referred many of my patients to her who also have benefited from her sessions and classes." Dr. Daniel Wolff, M.D.
"It has been my pleasure to have known professionally Ms. Arlene Prince . As a practicing psychiatrist, I have referred many clients to Arlene all of whom have come back excited about their therapy. Ms. Prince is one of those rare individuals who is truly dedicated to healing. I am involved in a panic disorder support group and Ms. Prince came in and gave our group a 5 week course in behavior modification and self help techniques. I cannot speak highly enough about the dedication of this individual, her sense of humor and her warmth. I can say unequivocally whatever position she is applying for she will go above and beyond her listed duties and you will be lucky to have her." Dr. Larry Glass, D.O.
"I am the Director of Community Services for St. Anthony Community Hospital in Warwick, NY. I have had the privilege of working with her on many occasions during the past three years and have first hand knowledge of her expertise and professionalism. I first met Arlene when she began instructing Guided Imagery courses at the St. Anthony Community Center for Health and Wellness. She brought such a depth of knowledge to this class that , what began as a single, four week course developed into 3 years of ongoing, progressively more advanced courses. Arlene was solely responsible for the management of all of her courses and theses were always handled in a completely professional manner. These courses were some of the most successful ongoing programs in the Warwick community thanks to Arlene's dedication to her work. As a registered nurse, I have had contact with many people who are trained in the field of mind-body medicine. I consider Arlene to be an expert in this field. Her background and training have enabled her to become a trusted professional within the medical community as well as within the community at large. I consider it an honor to write this letter. I have no hesitation in recommending Arlene as a respected and knowledgeable professional. She will be an asset to your company that you will quickly recognize." Barbara Demundo, R.N.
"Thank you very much for the wonderful job you did at our ladies luncheons last month. (Arlene was the program presenter for "Women and Heart Disease" at three hospitals: Good Samaritan Hospital, St. Anthony Community Hospital and Bon Secours Hospital). Your presentations were clear and concise and the knowledge you have about how stress adversely affects cardiac health is quite extensive. The lectures, as well as the guided imagery sessions, were extremely well received and we had many participants asking for similar classes in the future. As you know, my goal is to increase the public's awareness of heart disease as the number one killer of both men and women and to educate them in risk reduction and management. Your programs helped to attain that goal for the women who participated. From the knowledge they gained that day, they now have the needed tools to combat the negative effects of stress. I hope you enjoyed your experience as much as we enjoyed having your assistance. Your professional manner and enthusiasm helped to make the luncheons successful. I look forward to working with you again in the future." Barbara Demundo, R.N., Director of Cardiac Outreach, Bon Secours Charity Health System
"Arlene has helped me expand my knowledge of self and my life horizons. I have benefited from her services and refer my psychotherapy clients to her with excellent results. High Integrity, Creative." Nora Staffanell, Psychotherapist
"On behalf of the American Cancer Society Healthcare Professionals Education Committee, I would like to thank you for participating in the Seminar: East Meets West. The evaluations were overwhelmingly favorable. You touched many people with your knowledge and expertise." Kathy Vollano, RN, MS, Chairperson
Client Testimonials
Stories of Healing
"Approximately 4 years ago I had my first panic attack. I was 38 years old at the time. My wife called 911 and I was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. After many tests and doctor visits, the conclusion was that nothing was medically wrong with me. This quickly became a vicious downward spiral as I was SURE there must be something wrong and soon I would just drop dead. I was afraid to leave my house and go about my day-to-day activities. This was difficult as I am a professional engineer and a partner in a multi-disciplined engineering firm. At the urging of my wife, I sought counseling. I called a local therapist who suggested that I get in touch with Arlene Prince. I called her and after my first phone call I was immediately put at ease. I had a sense that everything was going to be all right and that I was not the first person in the world to experience a panic attack and how common they actually were. Through many sessions with Arlene, she taught me how to properly breathe, meditate, alleviate stress, and most importantly get to the underlying cause of my panic disorder which she was the first to identify. A few years later, my family had to consult Arlene again when my then 9 year old daughter started showing signs of panic/anxiety disorder. Fortunately, my wife and I were able to recognize the signs immediately and wasted no time getting her the help we knew she would need. Very patiently and delicately Arlene helped this little girl, who was always very vibrant and outgoing, enjoy life again. Arlene Prince is a wealth of information in many areas of holistic health. The things she has taught myself and my family have changed our life. We think differently, eat differently, feel differently, etc. I would recommend her to anyone suffering from panic/anxiety disorder. She changed my life for the better." Joseph D.
"Having known Arlene Prince for over five years, I can attest to her exceptional innate qualities as a mind and body therapist. She has helped my family in so many ways. Her common sense in approaching problems comes from an intelligence far beyond what is commonly practiced among many therapists. Her strong intuition and genuine concern for her client is apparent soon after one speaks with her. When searching for a therapist for my teenage daughter regarding her anxiety issues, I was very careful about my choice. In deciding upon a therapist, I felt it would be important for that person to develop a rapport with my daughter and also to be able to listen to what I had to say regarding the issues at hand. I was so thankful to have found Arlene.
I would recommend Arlene for anyone, adult or child, male or female. She makes one feel very comfortable due to her ability to stay non-judgmental when hearing one's issues. Because of this, it is very easy to talk to her and to give her as much information as possible for her to be able to help her client.
At first, I was skeptical of hypnosis in therapy. I was not all that convinced that it would work. However, I can attest to the fact that it does. It helped me in dealing with issues I needed to resolve, but it takes work. The client must also take responsibility in overcoming problems. If a client is willing to work with Arlene and put in as much effort as she does, hypnosis will work!
Arlene is a truly gifted mind and body therapist and a wonderful person to know." Michelle T.
"I smoked for 22 years and thought I’d never be able to quit, it felt impossible. I booked Arlene for hypnosis and after three sessions, it was the easiest thing in the world. Today I’m 2 months smoke free and I feel so amazing! Thank you Arlene for your wonderful help." Stephanie K.
"Hello everyone. It's a nice day to be a non smoker-feels great. Nicotine free for the last 6 weeks and counting, It's just so hard to believe after 50 ( yes, I said FIFTY) years of smoking that I don't smoke anymore, Don't get me wrong- sometimes it's trying, but by following Arlene Prince's instruction I have been able to get past those limited cravings. Simply put- her HYPNOSIS therapy works with no withdrawal crazies or weird dreams associated with drug cessation. So if quitting isn't working your way, try Arlene's. Go with the program and stick with it. You'll be amazed and thankful." Bob M.
"Arlene helped me to stop smoking using her method of hypnosis about 10 or 12 years ago. I remember asking her if I could smoke just two cigarettes a day and she emphatically said NO! I listened to the tape she made daily which kept me from picking up a cigarette. At the end of two weeks or so, I didn't want to smoke anymore. Arlene helped me quit tobacco. I am still smoke-free today. Thank you, Arlene, for saving my lungs!" Andrea A.
" I had been suffering from insomnia for a long time. Over the years I had been to many doctors and therapists, who while empathetic, were not able to resolve my problem. When I found Arlene, I knew I was on my way. I found her to be a very comfortable person to work with and could sense her genuine concern for me. She was able to get right to my problem and gave me the tools to address my issues. Over the months we worked together, the recordings she made with me proved to be invaluable and I still use them daily. I am sleeping much better. It is a great feeling now to be off all prescription drugs. I now feel much better and more confident. My husband sees a big change in me. It took me such a long time to find someone who could help me and I will be forever grateful for all the help she has given me." Marie
"I am writing to thank you for all the help you have given me. I came to you because I wanted to overcome some mental hurdles that were keeping me from improving in my hobby, which is jazz guitar. You absolutely helped me with my music, but you also showed me so much more...thanks to you, I find I am better able to concentrate and focus in all aspects of my life. I'm better able to live in the moment, and I am relating much more deeply to the people in my life. Most important of all, you have shown me how I can quiet my mind in order to be more present to God. The help you have given me has been truly life-changing, and I will always be grateful to you. Many Thanks," Bill K.
"After 1 year and 9 months of trying to get pregnant, I was diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance and my husband with some "male factor" issues. So, I went to see a fertility specialist and and began treatment with fertility drugs. After undergoing fertility treatments for 4 months with much heartache and still no success, I decided to try Arlene's mind-body work. I had read some interesting articles on relaxation techniques and had learned of Arlene's practice through RESOLVE. I hoped that she might be able to help me... I started mid-cycle with Arlene in Dec. and actually conceived my daughter during the very next cycle!! I was truly amazed. I thank God VERY often that he led me to Arlene and her WONDERFUL work. Her methods are so natural. They are a powerful complement to medical treatment. The relaxation techniques, visualization and even ways to improve my diet helped me to heal my entire being. . I have continued to use much of what Arlene taught me to this day. Every time I look at my daughter's face and see her smiling back at me, I know Arlene had a hand in this miracle! I will always keep you in my prayers. You have truly helped to change my life." Tracy S.
"For anyone who believes that they are invulnerable to depression or their belief is that depression is no more than feeling really blue has never been truly associated with it. There are many reasons for this debilitating situation and many ways to treat it. Arlene Prince is by far one of the greatest instruments one might use when trying to cope with depression or for that matter any illness or pain. For years I fought a losing battle with depression. Having spent time with a psychologist, psychiatrist and even a general practitioner, I was only finding myself slipping deeper. Though these doctors offered some temporary relief I was unable to break the constant cycle which would haunt me on a monthly basis. I needed a way to break free from this disease and move on with my life. Arlene's process and methods have become my answer. From the very first visit I felt a sense of relief and a belief that I had found a clear path out of the dense woods. Where most other treatment concepts leave the person to themselves, Arlene's use of cassette recordings of the sessions allows a daily reminder that you are never alone in your search for peace in your life. Simply by listening to the tapes on a daily basis, I was able to move forward. Arlene Prince has not only given me my life back, she has helped guide me to living a better existence than ever before. My marriage and family life has become a wonderful daily event. Gone, is the paralyzing effects of worrying about what the future holds and the past has not hidden. I am fast becoming the husband, father and most of all the person I only once dreamed about." John H.
"Working with Arlene Prince has increased:
- My understanding of my own behavior
- My understanding of my spouse's behavior
- My understanding of the importance of total relaxation in the healing process
- My ability to meditate and stay centered
- My understanding of how my own behavior affects my health
Most importantly, I have begun to understand the causes and meanings of my chronic health problems- how my reaction to or view of life affects my health. Particularly, how my constantly protecting and guarding myself against emotional pain severely restricts my choices in life and manifests in my body with an arthritic hip which allows me to walk, but does not allow much movement to the side. this is just exactly how I have gone through most of my life-straight forward on safe routes to planned and safe destinations, unable to take advantage of unexpected situations. I am fortunate to have such a gifted therapist who has so many ways of helping and encouraging me. She gives me the courage to change." Patricia G.
"I have benefited greatly from my sessions with Arlene Prince. I have had numerous sessions over the past 2 years and I have found that when I listen to the personalized tapes she has made twice a day for 20 minutes each, my body and mind are more calm and I feel more in control. I don't consider my anxiety disorder the problem it once was because I know now that I have a way to diffuse it. Just knowing that has made me more confident and less worried about repeat episodes. Arlene explained to me how balancing and moving my energy through imagery will keep my anxiety at bay. And it does. Arlene mixes her tremendous skill of verbal relaxation with teaching you about your energy, why it might be blocked and how to clear it. Just recently I started seeing Arlene again to work through changing parts of my life and going on to the next step with my business. Her personalized tapes helped me come to terms with what I needed to do and helped me make peace with myself. Finally, I have been able to throw away my anti-depressants and substitute the pills with her relaxation tapes. I never thought I would be able to "control" my anxiety but I have with these techniques. Not only is Arlene highly skilled and knowledgeable but she is one of the finest human beings I know. Kudos to Arlene! and Thank You for changing my life!" Bill S.
"You had a profound effect on my life while I was with you and the long lasting benefits of our work together affects me every day. When I first came to you I was having a great deal of pain resulting from an auto accident. Your techniques immediately reduced the pain and made me more comfortable. That, however, was just the beginning. I was sleeping with a BiPap machine, having had sleep apnea for about twenty years, and was also an insomniac, falling to sleep only when I took a sleeping pill. Your meditation and relaxation techniques allowed me to give up both. Do you have any idea how that impacted my life? I have not had a day that was dramatically altered because of sleep deprivation since I started working with you. The nutritional education that you gave me also affects my life on a daily basis and I operate on a much higher energy level than I used to. While the positive changes to my physical world were extraordinary, the therapy that we did had an equally profound effect on me. I was in the process of ending a lifelong relationship and beginning a new one. My life was emotionally chaotic and had it not been for our work together, I believe that there is a good chance that I would now not be in the midst of the extraordinary relationship that I am now engaged in. The sex therapy that we did gave me the starting point for the exciting adult sexual relationship that I now have. I regularly listen to and meditate with the "sex meditation" tape that you made for me. This was an exquisite gift to me that I will always be thankful for." Steve G.
"Arlene Prince worked with me - a severe victim of trauma. Arlene brought me to new paths and lights with all her different therapies and education. I feel I can climb the stairs to new heights, see the Light that is all of ours. I have truly smiled more and practiced more in living than hiding. She is a gracious and genuine person. One who shares and pushes. Her care is to heal. Arlene helped my learning disabled son who also has a touch of Autism go out into the world feeling proud, loving himself and enter his third year of college with confidence. I would send any young adult with confidence and happiness to Arlene Prince." Jane
" My experience with Arlene Prince has been nothing short of a miracle. Over the last couple of years, my 12 year old son has has an extremely difficult time dealing with emotional issues regarding his father, older brother, school and life in general and trying to deal with divorce. He started with sporadic school refusal, but it eventually deteriorated into panic attacks, thoughts of wanting to die and total shut down. He had seen a variety of therapists and has been under the care of a psychiatrist. He was up to 40 milligrams of Paxil daily. He was also in danger of failing the 6th grade though he is very bright. We were referred to Ms. Prince mid-May and the response to her therapy was immediate! She has taught him a variety of techniques through her sessions and tapes that is helping him to get himself through his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He no longer suffers from panic attacks, nor thinks about hurting himself. He passed his finals and the 6th grade with flying colors and we have successfully reduced the Paxil to 20ml. He also does not feel or get sick as often as he used to. In summary, the healing techniques that Arlene Prince uses have had a profound effect on my son's mental and physical state. The best part is that he can call upon these skills for the rest of his life. Words cannot express how grateful and overjoyed I am to have my son back and on the road to a happy and healthy life once again." Wendy G.
"I sought the professional help of Arlene Prince, on the referral from my psychiatrist, to help me combat my paralyzing fear of spiders. As a thirteen year old girl, my fear of spiders has escalated to the point where it was interfering with my daily life. I was unable to walk into a room without searching for spiders, and if I found one I was unable to deal with the situation. My family and I were very grateful for Arlene's expertise with helping me to deal with this issue. The hypnosis sessions with her have changed my life. After approximately three months of therapy with Arlene, my fear of spiders had almost completely diminished. I was now able to be in the same room as a spider without becoming hysterical and was even able to kill them myself! I highly recommend Arlene and her therapy. Not only has she been helpful to me in this area, but she was also very warm and put me at ease." Shana W.
"Dear Arlene, I don't know if I have ever thoroughly thanked you for all you have done to help me. I am so grateful to have met you and have you as a part of my life. Thank you so much for listening to me when it was needed and offering suggestions when you saw potential and room for improvement. I greatly appreciate all you help through your services which opened my eyes to a brighter, more joyful world. Arlene, with your help, I was able to see that I am an individual who needs to follow her own path. I remember that time we made a guided imagery tape where I was to find an important object or message. I went to it and discovered a box with a compass inside pointing toward my direction. Now, I think as though I carry my compass with me every day. Where it points? That is part of the adventure, following where the direction leads, taking lessons learned along the way and being open to the surprise at the end. Thank you for teaching me skills I need to be a successful adult, daughter and sister. I will always carry a deep admiration for your remarkable spirit. You deserve the best." Love, Monique T.
"Having been one of Arlene Prince's clients, I can say I highly recommend her services to any person. She was able to help me cope through challenging times. I have social anxiety but was able to confidently talk in groups and to people I've never met before, with her help. She also offered her guidance and support during significant events, such as when I was nervous about traveling half-way across the country by myself at age sixteen. With Ms. Prince's help, I was able to accomplish that and many more tasks which I never thought was possible for myself. Having been to a few therapists, I can attest to the fact that Arlene's approach in therapy is different. When I started services with Ms. Prince, I found my past was uncovered, but not focused on. Instead, we paid most attention to what was distressing me in the present. I believe that is an effective way to deal with issues, because talking about the future or past will only increase unnecessary anxiety. With the loving support of Ms. Prince, I was able to discover more of who I was. She helped me overcome very strong fear and obstacles which I didn't know I could effectively deal with and overcome. Ms. Prince is a wonderful person and possesses a spirit which is willful and determined to help people in their difficult and most trying times. Anyone who wishes to improve their self-esteem, focus, confidence, etc. may benefit from her competent practices." Monique T.
"I worked with Arlene Prince regarding issues of depression and anxiety for seven months. One of the first things Arlene said to me was that I had a legitimate illness and that I could get better. Those words stayed with me and were something I held onto through the entire healing process. I always found Arlene easy to talk to and felt every thing we discussed would be held in strict confidentiality. I have completed the healing process and continue to use the techniques she taught me. I would not hesitate to recommend Arlene to anyone in need of counseling. She is caring, easy to talk to, and has much to offer anyone who truly wants to heal themselves." Happy, Healthy, Enjoying Life.
"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. Your care, excitement, and hope is very catching. You dare to do the odd things I am in need of and you always respect my boundaries and limits. I would say you are pretty wonderful." Jane
"I wanted to thank you so much for taking me on such short notice. I am so thankful that you were there for me. I truly feel that you were my lifeline. I have listened to the tape and it is so relaxing. The one thing that I really took away from our sessions was your ability to smile so easily and I found myself smiling more than I ever have in a long time. You reminded me of something my mother used to say to me "Smile". When I saw you smile so much it made me want to smile more. You have such a beautiful, warm smile and that alone made me feel good. Thank you for the hug also. I really needed it and it made me feel like I was special. This world is very lucky to have you in it. Thank you for listening and helping me with my pain." Elise D.
"I started seeing Arlene Prince to assist me in resolving emotional, anger, stress and pain problems I have been suffering due to an on the job injury which has prevented me from working for one year. Arlene has taken me through various exercises that have helped me a great deal. Through these exercises I have learned to control my anger, sleep better at night, feel better about myself and control some of the pain. As a result of my visits with Arlene, I have noticed that I have become a calmer, more rested and less edgy, more patient and less pained person. She has taught me how to take back control of my body, mind and soul as well as my emotions even in the face of the hardships I have been going through for one year now."
"I am overdue for expressing my appreciation- last year I came to you before my annual visit to Wildwood with my 2 daughters. I had become increasingly nervous on the boardwalk rides that my daughters (and hitherto I) enjoyed every year.
I am happy to say that after just one session and then listening to your tape a couple of times, I was cured (of my fear of heights). I went on the craziest rides there- the Slingshot and the Skyscraper, enjoying each with the right amount of scared!
I returned to Wildwood in June of this year and again went on all of the rides that my daughters enjoyed, and we will be going again next week!" Adam P.
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm still doing the healing meditation(about 20 minutes in the morning and at least an hour at night); and I'm definitely seeing an improvement in my health. I started in June and by September my cholesterol had dropped 25 points from 286 to 261. I'm hoping by now that it's dropped even more. I can also see a difference in energy level, my eyes feel clearer and just the past few weeks I've noticed that my thyroid is becoming less sensitive. I still have a long way to go but I'm moving along. Happy Holidays!" P. A.
"Thank you for being a wonderful friend and therapist to me over the years. I find you to be well-grounded and easy to relate to. Do you remember Anne of Green Gables? That kindred spirit Anne talked about so much reminds me of you!" Monique T.
My Workshops and Seminars in Hospitals
"During my years in the field of education, I have met many excellent teachers. I would rate you with them. Why? Because you review what you have taught, you explain things very well, you give opportunities to ask questions and you are very patient. Most important of all, to me, is the fact that you make me want to learn more." Edward M.
"I have taken several courses with Arlene Prince and now in her most advanced class. I began with the idea of learning to relax due to the many stresses I had in my life at the time. After 3 months of practicing the techniques, I noticed my asthma was gone and after a year now, I have not had an attack. In addition, I have better been able to handle my stresses. I often think that I would not have been able to survive without Arlene's techniques. In addition, I underwent surgery in the morning, brought Arlene's tape to the operating room, explained the techniques to the doctors, and recovered so quickly that I was able to go to Arlene's class that night. Thank you, Arlene." Nancy W.
"I had some experience with yoga, hypnosis, and meditation when I first entered a class of Arlene's . One of the first exercises was to "picture yourself as you would choose to be". I had been a long time nail biter so they were a source of frustration for me. I made them my first focus. After several weeks, I found that my nails were growing and I was no longer tempted to put them in my mouth. Along with that came the ability to quiet a busy mind, relax my body and to recognize stress points in my body and life. My next issue was one of weight. Like the rest of the women in my family, I gained weight in my hips and thighs. Arlene offered a small group in nutrition and weight loss. I changed my eating habits and did regular imagery and meditation directed at specific areas. I dropped 10 or more lbs. and 2 pants sizes in a short amount of time. I was amazed at not only the change in my body but also my self-esteem. It was incredible to me that by addressing my subconscious I could alter my life. I do find I need periodic reinforcement and that if I get out of the practice of finding time to scan my body, meditate and relax, life starts to take a downward turn. With that knowledge, I find it best to go back to Arlene to help me balance. When faced with all sorts of life's turmoil this has been a lifeline. I can stand in the midst of turmoil and insanity and take in deep breaths of oxygen, relax my body and mind, center myself and remain outside of the situation. I can take appropriate actions without becoming enraged or overly emotional. My stress levels and blood pressure stay low and I don't become a raving lunatic. How very nice it is to have the tools that allow me that." Jill W.
"I have taken several of Arlene's classes and have also gone to her for personal sessions. I have medical problems that are exacerbated by stress and tension. After having practiced meditation and guided imagery, I have been able to stop some of my medication totally and in general can handle stress much more effectively." P.M. of Warwick